Audio Submission by, Tracy Amended Transcription of Audio: They’re treated like animals in there, and that’s my son in there. I’m not just going to forget about him. He was at Moore Haven, and he called me, and he said, “Mom,” he says, “they’re taking sick people and putting them in with other sick prisoners.” […]
By #CagingCOVID: Stopping the Spread Behind Bars
Nov 19, 2020
Nov 19, 2020
By #CagingCOVID: Stopping the Spread Behind Bars
Nov 18, 2020
Nov 18, 2020
On Saturday, October 24th the morning meal shift did again violate the social distance seating policy and I filed a formal grievance to the warden concerning the shift’s reckless disregard for our health and safety. On October 29, 2020 Sergeant____, CO ____, CO ____, and as for now an unidentified correctional officer did come in my dorm housing unit after master roster count to conduct an alleged shakedown. Myself and several inmates who live around me were picked for the shakedown. After the shakedown was completed Sergeant ____ called me into the bathroom off of camera where the three officers with him did surround and he proceeded to question me why was my name on grievances concerning seating in the dining hall. He stated I was the reason that they were in the dorm and told me that I had better lay down and be still because if he sees my name On one more grievance they were going to come back and tear up the whole dorm and before they left he would tell the inmates in the dorm the shakedown was because of me.
By #CagingCOVID: Stopping the Spread Behind Bars
Nov 11, 2020
Nov 11, 2020
Audio Submission by, Derek Johnson Amended Transcription of Audio: My name is Derek Johnson. I am originally from the Eastern Shore of Maryland. I’m an educator. My brother’s name is Julian Johnson, and he’s incarcerated in a prison facility in Jessup, Maryland. He was incarcerated at the age of 16. He’s now 39 years old. […]
By South Carolina Prison Justice Network
Oct 14, 2020
Oct 14, 2020

Submission by, Serena Carter Amended Transcription of Audio: My name is Serena Carter. My brother had COVID. He is very ill, very sick. I couldn’t locate him through SCDC. I called every day to find my brother, and I also prayed for his safety. It’s bad enough that my brother is in there serving a […]
By South Carolina Prison Justice Network
Oct 14, 2020
Oct 14, 2020

Submission by, Advocate for Incarcerated in South Carolina Amended Transcription of Audio: Hi, I live in South Carolina. I am an advocate for the incarcerated. I’m concerned about the prison conditions and the way the COVID has been handled. Several individuals, especially the elderly, has passed away due to the COVID. I had a dear […]
By South Carolina Prison Justice Network
Oct 10, 2020
Oct 10, 2020

Submission by, Jasmine Amended Transcription of Audio: Hi, my name is Jasmine. I have my boyfriend and a couple of relatives that are in SCDC and their living habits is horrible. They barely get food. They don’t get visitation as it is now. They barely get to make phone calls. They’re not giving the guys […]
By South Carolina Prison Justice Network
Oct 08, 2020
Oct 08, 2020
Submission by, Cherry Transcription of Amended Audio: Hi, my name’s Cherry. I’m calling from Florence. I would like to tell you a little bit about what’s happening in the South Carolina Department of Corrections. They’re living in horrendous conditions. Cells are covered with mold, rust, smoke damage, blood from previous riots. The prisons are unsanitary […]
By #CagingCOVID: Stopping the Spread Behind Bars
Sep 30, 2020
Sep 30, 2020
When South Central Correctional Facility was exposed to COVID-19 through a staff dentist, Sara worried for her husband's health and safety. As she learned about the lack of testing, medical care, information, and safety, she began fearing for her husband's life. Sara calls on the Tennessee Department of Corrections to be more transparent and to provide information to its inmates about their medical conditions.
By #CagingCOVID: Stopping the Spread Behind Bars
Sep 28, 2020
Sep 28, 2020
By #CagingCOVID: Stopping the Spread Behind Bars
Sep 25, 2020
Sep 25, 2020
When I was beginning to have real difficulty breathing, I put a note out the door. It works like this when you are in the hole. You write a note on a piece of paper or whatever and slide it out the crack of the door about head-high. It sticks out like a flag and the next officer that comes by gets it. I wrote on a manilla legal envelope: "My name is [REDACTED]. I have COVID-19. I am dying. Is there anyone out there who can help me get to a doctor or to a hospital?"